Various systems to categorize Parkinson’s disease stages have been used by clinicians and researchers on a worldwide basis since 1987.
The 3 systems in most widespread use include:
• Hoelm and Yahr.
• Schwab and England.
• Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.
The charts below give a comparison of the 3 systems:
Hoelm and Yahr
Note: Modified system includes the proposed points 1.5 and 2.5 as indicated below.
0 | No disease. |
1 | Disease one side only. |
1.5 | Disease one side and axial involvement. |
2 | Both sides. No balance problems. |
2.5 | Disease both sides mild. Recovery on pull test. |
3 | Balance problems. Physically independent. Disease both sides mild to moderate. |
4 | Walk or stand unaided. Severe disability. |
5 | Requires assistance otherwise bedridden or wheelchair bound. |
Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale (ADL)
100% | Completely independent. |
90% | Completely independent. Beginning to be aware of difficulty. |
80% | Completely independent. Conscious of difficulty and slowness. |
70% | Not completely independent. |
60% | Some dependency. |
50% | More dependent. |
40% | Very dependent. |
30% | Much help needed. |
20% | Severe invalid. |
10% | Complete invalid. |
0% | Bedridden and vegetative functions e.g. bladder functions are not functioning. |
Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS)
1 | Evaluation of mentation, behavior and mood including intellectual impairment, thought disorder, depression and motivation/initiative. |
2 | Activities of daily living (ADL). Evaluation of various factors such as speech, swallowing, handwriting, turning in bed etc. |
3 | Clinician scored motor evaluation such as hand movements, tremors, rigidity, arising from chair and gait. |
4 | Complications of therapy including dyskinesias, clinical fluctuations and other complications. |
5 | Hoehm and Yahr modified system. |
6 | Schwab and England ADL scale. |
The next article in this series will address the issue of Parkinson’s disease prognosis.